The Llananno Megalithic
Complex pages
Complex pages
- S1 Crugyn Gwyddel
- S1 Dicks Seat
- S1 Drygarnfawr
- S1 Gors Lydan
- S1 Rhoscrug I
- S1 S2 Backsights
- S1 S3 SX
- S1 Two Tumps
- S1 Intro
- S2 Warren Hill
- S2 Y Glog
- S3 Drygarnfawr
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The Llananno Megalithic Complex.
An astronomically planned Bronze Age cemetery in Mid Wales
Deployed along three north/south hill ranges in the parish of Llananno is the most developed prehistoric astronomical complex yet identified in Britain. Similar to the great mortuary landscapes of Ireland, at Loughcrew, Carrowkeel and the Bend of the Boyne the Llananno ritual landscape spreads across many square miles of open hilltops. On the summits of several hills on the eastern and western ranges of the Llananno high ground many tumuli and cairns are visible to the unaided eye on a clear day. On the central ridge, Brondre Fawr, clear evidence for careful deployment of Bronze Age stone settings may be found. These are the stances, backsights from which the astronomical formalities of this complex may be ascertained. Principally these are: a small stone circle with a carved rock block S1, at it's centre and another outlying stone chair, S2, at 223.4 metres to the south.These two 'chairs' have an intricate astronomical relationship and support a large range of astronomical alignments to foresights on the hill lines to east and west.
Further on the Brondre Fawr ridge other large stone settings are being examined for their astronomical potential and on the high ground to the west some evidence exists for the deployment of stances for a long distance lunar observatory looking to two large cairns on the summits of Drygarn Fawr the highest tops of the Cambrian Mountains.
The 16 interval Megalithic Calendar and Lunar Standstill observatories.
When an astronomical interpretation is applied to the locations of these numerous remains we find that two formal patterns emerge which account for most of the positioning of the tumuli and stone settings.Strong support evidence for the 16 interval Megalithic Calendar as propounded by Alexander Thom and for his thesis that high resolution lunar observatories had been created in Bronze Age Britain can be shewn from this complex of inter- connected sites.