The Llananno Megalithic
Complex pages
Complex pages
- S1 Crugyn Gwyddel
- S1 Dicks Seat
- S1 Drygarnfawr
- S1 Gors Lydan
- S1 Rhoscrug I
- S1 S2 Backsights
- S1 S3 SX
- S1 Two Tumps
- S1 Intro
- S2 Warren Hill
- S2 Y Glog
- S3 Drygarnfawr
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S1, Llananno to Two Tumps, Kerry Hill, Dolfor.
High precision alignment indicating the upper limb of the Sun on two megalithic calendar dates-CIs 4 & 6- one interval before and one interval after the summer solstice CI 5.
S1 to two tumps notch
These two close- set earthen tumuli are still prominent enough to capture the first flash of the rising Sun when at, or near, declination +22° 3.6'Many observations of sunrise on this alignment have been made at, or near, the appropriate dates for two intervals in the 16 part British Megalithic Calendar CIs 4 & 6. The summer solstice in this ancient calendar would be marked as interval 5. Intervals 4 and 6 mark 22 days before and after the solstice.
Today, in the Gregorian calendar, CI 4 falls on the 1st or 2nd of June and CI 6 on the 11th or 12th of July.
Several sets of good quality photographs and video of the rising Sun on this alignment have been secured which allow high resolution digital surveys to be generated.
Sunrise 12th July 1990.
Here, at sunrise on the 12th July 1990 the declination of the Sun is 22° 0.84' - less than 3 arc minutes beyond the ideal position for these two CIs = 22° 3.6'.02 June 2007 sunrise on Kerry Hill .
Extrapolating backwards to the ideal required declination for CI 4 we see that the track of the upper limb of the rising Sun must first flash in the notch between tumuli at the required declination.